
A collection of expressions

psychedelic, abstract, erotic, emotive, surreal.

visual art, originals, prints, crafts, life model, performance artist, murals, digital art, jewelry

Shop Prints

Postcards, A5, A4.

An opportunity to see as the observer, to inquire within. How does it make you feel? What thoughts are provoked? Where can you feel it? What does it taste like? Smell like? What’s the story? What’s my story? And what’s yours? I invite you to soften into the awareness that we are all of it, a constantly changing truth…

Or not…

Shop Originals

Shop Crafts

Altar Ornaments, Jewelry, Creature Crafts, Wall hangings.

Performance Art

Painting performances are a captivating way to express and entertain. Whether this be an eccentric display of creative sexual expression that mesmerizes the audience, leaving them with a memorable dance floor experience, or an intimate expression being delicately formed in the presence of the guests at your next private function/event.

Invite me to perform at your next event using the contact information below.

Live painting performances are a form of artistic expression that I resonate with deeply. It is an understanding that art is not just the finished work but the entirety of the artistic journey and the artist as the art,

Performance Painting at Trancendance Festival 2024

Murals and Commissions

For a tailored creation, painting, mural or custom jewelry piece, contact me via the information below, lets talk and make some magic together!


Email: zzeenoart@gmail.com
